[NP-ADCR2] Advanced Diploma in Critical Care Nursing (ADCR2)

Offered by School of Health Sciences

Advanced Diploma

Course Schedule
About Course
Course Structure
Entry Requirements
Financial Matters


Class Day(s): Mon-Fri
Time: 8:00am - 6:00pm
Delivery mode: Face-to-face & Home-based Learning (Async & Sync)

Additional Course schedule details
1) The physical last day of the course is on 9 Nov 2025
2) Learners will return to sponsor's institutions from 10 Nov 2025 onwards.
3) The School will inform the sponsors in the event if there is a delay in the learner's return due to clinical replacement.

About Course

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:

•discuss the scope of practice in critical care units, including implementing ethical and legal considerations, recognizing the limitations of practice, and employing judgment principles specific to the care of critically ill patients;
•identify the needs and problems of critically ill patients and their families, ensuring compassionate, ethical, and comprehensive care;
•analyse critical situations, prioritize actions using critical thinking processes, and demonstrate confidence in clinical decision-making to ensure high-quality care and support to colleagues and the healthcare team in decision-making processes;
•integrate knowledge from nursing science, medicine, and other relevant sciences in the care of critically ill patients, develop and demonstrate technical skills necessary for competent practice in critical care settings, including the management of advanced technology;
•optimize the use of resources and personnel in critical care units, emphasizing teamwork and collaboration with healthcare professionals to enhance patient care;
•apply knowledge and skills in hemodynamic monitoring and, laboratory and imaging assessment of critically ill patients;
•Implement the nursing process to deliver high-quality nursing care to critically ill patients, demonstrating thorough understanding and application of nursing principles;
•communicate effectively with patients, their families, and colleagues, develop leadership skills, practice within legal and professional boundaries, and enhance abilities in information technology; and
•foster a culture of continuous learning, professional development, and respectful collaboration within the critical care setting to improve care standards and outcomes.

Course Description

The Advanced Diploma in Critical Care Nursing (ADCR2) is a part-time CET course, consist of the following modules:
1)Health Assessment and Clinical Decision Making (45hrs)
2)Applied Pathophysiology and Pharmacology (60hrs)
3)Evidence-Based Practice (45hrs)
4)Fundamentals in Critical Care Nursing (60hrs)
5)Advanced Critical Care Nursing Science I (60hrs)
6)Advanced Critical Care Nursing Science II (60hrs)
7)Advanced Critical Care Nursing Practice (60hrs)
8)Advanced Clinical Practicum in Critical Care Nursing (400hrs)

Course Structure

TPG course reference No.


Advanced Diploma in Critical Care Nursing

Post-Diploma Certificate in Advanced Clinical Practicum in Critical Care Nursing
Advanced Clinical Practicum in Critical Care Nursing (NP-AACPCCN)
The module provides the student opportunities to provide direct patient / family care and gain clinical experience in critical care settings, acute and caring of older adults with acute and chronic disorders in acute setting like coronary care, cardiovascular, neurosurgical and medical surgical intensive care units. Nurses will provide care for the critically ill patients and support their families. These clinical practices provide an overall analysis of the practice of critical care nursing.
Post-Diploma Certificate in Advanced Critical Care Nursing
Advanced Critical Care Nursing Practice (NP-012149)
This module aims to provide students with an understanding and comprehensive foundation on the principles of critical care nursing practice. It will also provide comprehensive skills necessary to obtain data through health history, physical examination together with identifying relevant laboratory data, monitoring adjuncts and advanced nursing skills that are performed commonly in the acute care setting. This module serves to equip critical care practitioners with the necessary skills for critical thinking to make informed clinical decisions in the management of critically ill patients.
Advanced Critical Care Nursing Science I (NP-AACCNS1)
This module aims to provide students with an understanding and comprehensive foundation on the principles of critical care nursing practice and a continuity of basic nursing science from general nursing training. Coronary, cardiovascular, respiratory, neurological diseases and altered conditions of these major body systems are covered in depth with integration of pathophysiology and applied human anatomy. Interpretation of relevant laboratory and diagnostic studies results are included and advanced nursing skills that are performed commonly in the acute care setting, this module serves to equip critical care practitioners with the necessary knowledge of diseases and skills for critical thinking to make informed clinical decisions.
Advanced Critical Care Nursing Science II (NP-AACCNS2)
This module aims to provide students with an understanding and comprehensive foundation on the principles of critical care nursing practice and a continuity of basic nursing science from general nursing training. Gastro- intestinal, hepato-biliary, endocrine and nephrology diseases and altered conditions of these major body systems are covered in depth with integration of pathophysiology and applied human anatomy. Interpretation of relevant laboratory and diagnostic studies results are included and advanced nursing skills that are performed commonly in the acute care setting, this module serves to equip critical care practitioners with the necessary knowledge of diseases and skills for critical thinking to make informed clinical decisions.
Fundamentals in Critical Care Nursing (NP-012146)
This module aims to provide students with an understanding and comprehensive foundation on the fundamentals of critical care nursing. Critical care practices, ethical and legal issues, patient and family education, psychosocial issues, sleep alterations and management, nutrition, pain management, sedation, agitation, delirium assessment and management and end of life issues are covered in depth with integration of pathophysiology and applied human anatomy and relevant laboratory and diagnostic studies results are included and advanced nursing skills that are performed commonly in the acute care setting, this module serves to equip critical care practitioners with the necessary knowledge and skills for critical thinking to make informed clinical decisions in a critical care unit.
Post-Diploma Certificate in Applied Sciences in Advanced Nursing
Applied Pathophysiology and Pharmacology (NP-AAPPX)
This module aims to provide students with knowledge and understanding of pathophysiologic and pharmacologic considerations. This module will enable the students to gain a better understanding of underlying disease processes and relate the basic principles of pharmacology and the nursing process to selected drugs and their therapeutic use.
Evidence-Based Practice (NP-012126)
This module aims to provide the students with the knowledge and application underpinnings the evidence-based practice. Based on the 5 steps of evidence-based practice, the students will learn to convert information into an answerable clinical question (ask), track down best evidence for answering the question (acquire), critically appraise evidence (appraise), integrate evidence into clinical decision making (application), and evaluate and seek ways to improve the next time (audit).
Health Assessment and Clinical Decision Making (NP-012124)
This module aims to provide the students with comprehensive foundation and principles of health assessment in clinical nursing practice. It will also provide comprehensive skills necessary to obtain data through complete health history taking and physical examination. Emphasis will be placed on the holistic and comprehensive approach of assessment. Variations of normality in the older persons will be taken into considerations in the assessment findings. Together with the relevant laboratory data, this module also equips the students with necessary knowledge underpinning the skills to make informed clinical decisions.

Entry Requirements

Condition 1

Highest qualification

Polytechnic Diploma And Working experience:Full-time; Health & Social Services; Duration: 2 years

Condition 2

Highest qualification

Bachelor's Or Equivalent And Working experience:Full-time; Health & Social Services; Duration: 2 years

Financial matters

Course fees payable (incl. GST & excl. supplementary fee)

Description Post-Diploma Certificate in Applied Sciences in Advanced Nursing Post-Diploma Certificate in Advanced Critical Care Nursing Post-Diploma Certificate in Advanced Clinical Practicum in Critical Care Nursing Total course fee
Full Course fee $4,267.35 $6,827.76 $11,379.60 $22,474.71
Singapore Citizen Aged 40 & Above $426.74 $682.78 $1,137.96 $2,247.48
PR Sponsored by SME $444.35 $710.96 $1,184.94 $2,340.25
Singapore Citizen Sponsored by SME $444.35 $710.96 $1,184.94 $2,340.25
Singapore Citizen Aged Below 40 $640.10 $1,024.16 $1,706.94 $3,371.20
Singapore PR $1,706.94 $2,731.10 $4,551.84 $8,989.88
Long-Term Visit Pass Plus $4,267.35 $6,827.76 $11,379.60 $22,474.71

GST rate

The course fees payable above are inclusive of 9% GST rate.

Payment option

The first payment needs to be made after accepting the offer.

Allowed payment by

The course fee allows to be paid by:
Post-Secondary Education Account (Adhoc withdrawal form);
SkillsFuture Credits (SFC);
Credit card (e-payment);
Debit card (e-payment);
PayNow (e-payment).

Nett Supplementary Fees Payable

  • GPA Insurance Fee S$2.11,subject to GST,fees payable S$2.30 Allow payment by Post-Secondary Education Account (Adhoc withdrawal form); Allow payment by Post-Secondary Education Account (Standing order form)
  • Other Fees S$7.43,subject to GST,fees payable S$8.10 Allow payment by Post-Secondary Education Account (Adhoc withdrawal form); Allow payment by Post-Secondary Education Account (Standing order form)

Refund and withdrawal policy

  • Please note that a 100% refund will be available if the withdrawal request is submitted more than or equal to 14 days before the course start date.
  • Please note that a 50% refund will be available if the withdrawal request is submitted less than 14 days before the course start date.
  • Please note that no refund will be available if the withdrawal request is submitted on or after the course start date.