Work-Study Post Diploma (Certificate) in Entrepreneurship

Offered by School of Business & Accountancy

Work-Study Programme / 12 months / TGS- 2024042290

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Course Information
Learning Outcomes
Course Schedule
Lesson Plan
Entry Requirements
Course Fees

Course Information

The Work-Study Programme (WSP) aims to equip the participants with the necessary skills, knowledge and the tools essential for today’s workforce. Whether the participants will launch their business ventures or lead in driving change within a larger organisation, the course aims to cultivate ambition, passion and expertise to develop practical solutions to challenging business problems.

The 12-month programme comprises 3 modules and an On-the-Job training with a company.

For more information about the programme, you can refer to the FAQ.

Learning Outcomes

  1. To provide graduates with practical training and hands-on experience
  2. To develop graduates’ critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills, enabling them to make strategic business decisions and drive business growth
  3. To equip graduates with the skills and competencies required for current and future job roles, such as digital marketing executives, social media specialist, e-commerce managers, and business development managers.


For application details to this course email:



Next Intake Date: November 2024
Application Period: 1 Jun 2024 – 1 Sep 2024
Delivery Mode: Face-to-face & e-Learning & workplace learning
Venue: Ngee Ann Polytechnic/Online

Ngee Ann Polytechnic reserves the right to reschedule / cancel any programme, modify the fees and amend information without prior notice.

Lesson Plan

Start-up Finance & Operations (30 hours)

This module covers the basics of operating a start-up company. This includes setting up lightweight processes and controls in facilities management, setting up a recruiting function, establishing necessary bookkeeping practices, and ensuring all necessary equipment and IT functions and security are addressed to keep the company running. This module also covers key metrics that needs to be established that monitors the health for a start-up. Metrics such as Cash Burn, Hiring Pipeline, Sales targets, Budgets will be covered.

Start-up Product Development (30 hours)

This module covers the basics of product development which includes concepts such as product SPRINTS, evaluation and assessment. The Lean methodology of product development and discovery will also be covered. This module will also cover basic concepts of scaling product for the masses -its considerations and trade-offs

Digital Commerce & Marketing (30 hours)

This module covers the full spectrum of Digital Marketing & Commerce tools and techniques including Search Engine Optimisation, A/B testing, Social Media Marketing, Performance marketing, digital commerce etc. Candidates will also learn about growth concepts such as closed loop marketing, O2O strategies and content marketing.

On-the-Job Training (90 hours)


Certificate in Entrepreneurship

Entry Requirements

Applicants with any of the following qualifications are invited to apply for the course:

The Skillsfuture Work-Study Post-Diploma (WSPostDip) is for Singaporeans and Singapore Permanent Residents who are within three years of (i) graduation with a recognised diploma from any of the 5 local polytechnics or the (ii) Operationally Ready Date for full-time National Servicemen.

Course Fees

Funding period for this course is till 31 Dec 2024.

GST Increment in 2024
Please note that the GST rate will be revised to 9% with effect from 1 Jan 2024, as such any payable course fees will be subjected to the new GST rate adjustments in 2024.


  • Please refer to our FAQs for more information.
  • The fees below are determined based on prevailing funding policies and subject to review and revision.

Ngee Ann Polytechnic reserves the right to reschedule/cancel any programme, modify the fees and amend information without prior notice.


Applicants / Eligibility Fees
Full Course Fee$5450.00
Singapore aged below 40, Singapore Permanent Residents qualified for SkillsFuture funding$1635.00
Singaporeans aged 40 and above qualified for SkillsFuture Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy$635.00
Singaporeans, Singapore Permanent Residents qualified for Enhanced Training Support for SMEs$635.00