[NP-CTACL-FAS] (SCTP) Accountancy Career Launchpad (Classroom & Asynchronous e-Learning) (Full-Time) (TA-eligible)

Offered by School of Business & Accountancy

Certifiable Courses

About Course
Course Structure
Entry Requirements
Financial Matters
Course Schedule

About Course

Course Objectives

This course is designed to equip non-accounting graduates with foundational competencies to embark on a career in the accountancy sector. Students learn the fundamentals of financial reporting, MS Excel and cloud accounting in the first month of in-person classes. They then undergo a 3-month work-study programme where students are placed at accounting firms and/or corporate entities for structured on-job-training while taking classes in auditing and taxation.

Course Description

At the end of the course, participants should be able to prepare financial statements in accordance with the Singapore Financial Reporting Standards as well as interpret financial information and analyse financial statements. They can also prepare basic tax computations for individuals and companies as well as discuss key audit concepts for companies while gaining competence in spreadsheet and cloud accounting tools. Participants will also acquire relevant work skills duiring job placement with relevant companies.

Course Structure

TPG course reference No.


Certificate of Completion in (SCTP) Accountancy Career Launchpad (Classroom & Asynchronous e-Learning) (Full-Time) (TA-eligible)

(SCTP) Accountancy Career Launchpad (Classroom & Asynchronous e-Learning) (Full-Time) (TA-eligible)
(SCTP Module) Audit & Assurance (NP-CTACL2AA-FAS)
This course is designed to equip non-accounting graduates with foundational competencies to embark on a career in the accountancy sector. Students learn the fundamentals of auditing and undertaking an assurance engagement for a client.
(SCTP Module) Financial Reporting (NP-CTACL1FR-F)
This course is designed to equip non-accounting graduates with foundational competencies to embark on a career in the accountancy sector. Students learn the fundamentals of financial reporting, MS Excel and cloud accounting in the first month of in-person classes.
(SCTP Module) On-job-training (NP-CTACL4OJT-F)
This course is designed to equip non-accounting graduates with foundational competencies to embark on a career in the accountancy sector. Students undergo a 3-month work-study programme where they are placed at accounting firms and/or corporate entities for structured on-job-training.
(SCTP Module) Singapore Taxation (NP-CTACL3ST-FAS)
This course is designed to equip non-accounting graduates with foundational competencies to embark on a career in the accountancy sector. Students learn the fundamentals of taxation and the preparation of tax returns for individuals and companies.

Entry Requirements

Condition 1

Highest qualification

Non-accounting diploma from local polytechnics

Condition 2

Highest qualification

Non-accounting university degree

Financial matters

Course fees payable (incl. GST & excl. supplementary fee)

Description Certificate of Completion in (SCTP) Accountancy Career Launchpad (Classroom & Asynchronous e-Learning) (Full-Time) (TA-eligible) Total course fee
Full Course fee $9,810.00 $9,810.00
Additional course fee funding support $693.00 $693.00
SkillsFuture Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy $1,143.00 $1,143.00
SkillsFuture Baseline Funding for Singapore Citizen aged below 40 $2,943.00 $2,943.00
SkillsFuture Baseline Funding for SPR $2,943.00 $2,943.00

GST rate

The course fees payable above are inclusive of 9% GST rate.

Payment option

The first payment needs to be made after accepting the offer.

Allowed payment by

The course fee allows to be paid by:
SkillsFuture Credits (SFC);
Credit card (e-payment);
Debit card (e-payment);
PayNow (e-payment).

Refund and withdrawal policy

  • Please note that a 100% refund will be available if the withdrawal request is submitted more than or equal to 14 days before the course start date.
  • Please note that a 50% refund will be available if the withdrawal request is submitted less than 14 days before the course start date.
  • Please note that no refund will be available if the withdrawal request is submitted on or after the course start date.


Course Duration: 4 months
Total Course Hour: 360